Logo downloads:
Select the logo to download and open, or right-click the
Download link and Save Target As... to save the file.
Illustrator logos are backsaved to CS. If you are not
able to open the .ai, https://www.horizonhobby.com/on/demandware.static/-/Sites-horizon-us-Library/default/v1742112952846/save the .pdf file and open in
Illustrator. The vectored lines and PMS color will still be
https://www.horizonhobby.com/on/demandware.static/-/Sites-horizon-us-Library/default/v1742112952846/• .png files are high-resolution transparent
• PLEASE NOTE: When sizing logos be sure to
keep proper porportions. i.e. - Hold down the SHIFT key and drag
the corner down. This will resize properly and won't stretch or
distort the logo.

How to set a wallpaper on iPod
Touch, iPhone or iPads:
• Select the
background image preview that's appropriate for your device
(i.e.- iPhone or iPad) to view larger image.
• Tap
and hold the wallpaper until a pop-up menu appears, choose Save
Image and it will automatically save to your Photos folder. Go
back to the Home screen of your device and choose Photos
• Choose the wallpaper image you just saved,
then tap the button (a square with an arrow in it - left bottom
button on iPod and iPhone, top right button on iPad) and select
Use as Wallpaper.
• Size the background wallpaper by
manipulating it back and forth within the touch screen until you
get the desired shape and size.
• Then choose Set as
Wallpaper to create your wallpaper (on the iPad/2 you can set
the wallpaper for lock screen, home screen or both).
How to set a wallpaper on
Android phones and Tablets:
• Select the
background image preview that's appropriate for your device
(i.e.- Droid phones or Samsung Tablet) to view larger image.
• Tap and hold the wallpaper image until a pop-up menu
appears, choose Set as Wallpaper or Save and it will
automatically save to your Gallery folder. Go back to the Home
screen of your device and tap Menu then Wallpaper then
• Choose the wallpaper image you just saved
and crop the image how you want it to fit and tap Save to create
your wallpaper.