F1, RT-1 Front and Rear Rubber Tires, Mounted on Pro-Mount F1 Wheels
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New from World Champion Calandra Racing Concepts is high performance, pre-mounted F1 racing tires. These are CRC's race proven RT-1 tires (same exact tire as used on GT-R) mounted to CRC's awesome new F1 pro-mount wheel. The wheel is made from the best grade of modern composite plastics to produce a lightweight, straight, true and strong wheel.
The new #2320 mounted tires are now available. Take them out of the bag and go have fun. High performance RT-1 tires that have proven themselves in the World GT-R category of racing. Same high performance, belted tire with great grip and durability. The RT-1 tire has ZERO degradation, as fast on run 20 as race 1. The RT-1 has super long wear, providing multiple SEASONS of use on carpet surfaces. Now these awesome tires are available pre-glued to the best rim in the business, the CRC F1 Pro-mount. Available as a set of 4 only.
Many of currently available wheels for F1 are based on the Tamiya foam tire wheel. The foam tire wheel from Tamiya is a well designed and produced wheel. However, it was DESIGNED for FOAM tires, with no centering or mounting guide ribs for the rubber tire bead. When rubber tires started becoming popular, these foam wheels were used because they were readily available, despite not being designed for rubber tires. And while they worked OK, there was plenty of room for improvement.
The new 1510 Pro-mount wheel is specifically designed for mounting rubber tires; specifically CRC's RT-1, the TCS F1 and Pit Shimizu F1 line of tires. With the molded in "guidance ribs" or mounting ribs, the Pro-mount is superior to other F1 wheels. The rib guides the tire bead in the right place, not allowing the tire to be mounted too far on the wheel. The design makes mounting F1 rubber tires MUCH easier.
Key Features
- Mounting ribs and holes for proper mounting
- Pre-molded breather holes keep the tire from capturing air pressure.
- 1 Full set of pre-mounted front and rears
- Fits most all F1 cars, like the CRC WTF1, XRay X1, Tamiya F series and more