No Prep RC Drag Racing League Rules




  1. Chassis: Short course-based chassis (2wd), 12-13.5-inch wheelbase (4wd not allowed, 4wd to 2wd conversion not allowed)
  2. Motor: Any commonly over the counter RC car motor.
  3. Battery: 2 cells (8.44v max, single pack)
  4. Tires: Rubber foam insert style rear and front tires, threaded or slick allowed. (No O-rings) running without foam insert allowed.
  5. Shocks: Must have four shocks each controlling a wheel as intended by typical manufacturers. Connected and operating hinge pin arms at all four corners of the car. Shocks must have movement visible and acceptable by the race director. “No Tie Rods”.
  6. Transmission: Car must use a 3-5 gear transmission (gear box) Belts or link conversions not allowed.
  7. Weight: Cars ready to run must meet a 4.54lbs (72.6oz, 2060 grams) Minimum
  8. Wheelie bar: May extend a maximum of 15” from the rear drive (CVA/Dog bone).
  9. Body: Realism – Body must cover wheels (i.e. no buggies) Wheel wells must be cut exposing 1/2 the wheel minimum.
  10. Wings and things: Rear wings/spoilers may extend off the body’s rear deck a max of 3 inches. Rear side dam may not be higher than the car roof line and can extend off the body’s rear deck a max of 3 inches. Nose splitters may extend a max of 1/2” from the edge of the body.
  11. Rear Body Cutouts: The rear section of the body (valance/bumper panel) may be removed but must retain the original rear side quarter fenders, trunk lid and/or pickup bed. Rear spoilers supplied with a body are considered legal for that body in their intended design.
  12. Body holes: Up to four (4) holes no larger than ½” at any location on the body are allowed. Window cut outs Not allowed.
  13. Prep: Tire prep is allowed but a burn out is required before staging your car.
  14. No “Assist” receivers or gyros, or any driving assist items allowed. No AVC Receivers. No TSM receivers.
  • Protests: All protests must be turned into the Race director within thirty (30) minutes of the conclusion of the race.
    • The protest fee (cash or check) must be paid at the time of the protest. ($100.00 US)
    • Only the car owner, driver or team representative of the car may submit an official protest.
    • Any refusal of inspection and/or non-compliance during an official protest will be subject to penalty and/or disqualification and/or any other action deemed appropriate by Race Director.
    • If the car protested is found legal, the protesting fees will be released to the protested team.
    • If the car protested is found to be illegal, the protesting fees will be returned to the team filing the protest.




  1. Chassis: Short course-based chassis (2wd), 12-13.5-inch wheelbase (4wd not allowed, 4wd to 2wd conversion not allowed)
  2. Motor: 13.5 BLINKY* *Motor claim rule. The event winning motor maybe claimed by the any racer signed up for the super stock class that day. Fee 100.00
  3. Battery: 2 cells (8.44v max, single pack)
  4. Tires: Rubber foam insert style rear and front tires, threaded or slick allowed. (No O-rings) running without foam insert allowed.
  5. Shocks: Must have four shocks each controlling a wheel as intended by typical manufacturers. Connected and operating hinge pin arms at all four corners of the car. Shocks must have movement visible and acceptable by the race director. “No Tie Rods”.
  6. Transmission: Car must use a 3-5 gear transmission (gear box) Belts or link conversions not allowed.
  7. Weight: Cars ready to run must meet a 4.54lbs (72.6oz, 2060 grams) Minimum
  8. Wheelie bar: Not Allowed.
  9. Body: Must cover the chassis, tires and look scale Body must have the wheel arches fully cut out per the manufacturer’s suggestions. Must have full front and rear bumper No holes drilled in the body other than to mount or add scale items.
  10. Wings and Things: Rear wing must not extend more than 2” past the end of the factory deck lid. Side dams may not extend more than 1/2 inch above the horizontal plane of the rear wing, and 2” off the rear deck lid. Total side dam height not to exceed 1.5”.
  • Must appear scale, at the race director’s discretion Rear spoilers supplied with a body are considered legal for that body in their intended design, No nose splitters, or canards.
  • No gyro/AVC/TSM allowed (**racers 14 yrs. and under allowed to use until their first event win or age exceeds the maximum)
  • SCALE: Scale items are required for this class and all entries must have ONE of the items listed below on their car to compete in the 13.5 scale class – Stock rear wing, Headlights, Taillights, Parachute, Blower Turbo, Exhaust, Driver, Roll cage, Detailed wheels.
  • Before qualifying the car entered and voted most scale appearing will receive a Bye run in their first round.
  • The scale winning car must be run as it appeared during judging, no models.
  • Race: There is no qualifying for the Super Stock class.
  • The scale appearing event winner will make their bye run and all other competitors will draw chips for pairing and start eliminations. Redrawing chips each round until two competitors remain.
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